Our Classes

All classes emphasize proper placement and alignment and are designed for the adult dancer of all ages. Instruction is tailored to each dancer— beginners to advanced dancers. Our class atmosphere is welcoming, encouraging and fun!

Monday Class (Beginner):

Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm

An excellent and gentle way to begin the week. The class is designed for the less-experienced dancer, with particular attention given to alignment and individual instruction.

Wednesday Class


Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm

A complete ballet class with low-intermediate level steps and choreography. Class focus is on basic execution of movement, musicality, line, and technique.

Friday Class (Intermediate):

Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm

A complete ballet class with intermediate level steps and choreography. Class focus is on refinement of execution, musicality, line, and technique.

Our Instructors

Learn more about Ann’s experience and training and read testimonials from students.